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Teacher's center (Zafra -Badajoz- Spain)

The promotion of the project began in November, Camilo taught a course in Zafra, on how to create projects in eTwinning , one of the examples was the project 'Making friends around the world', all teachers liked very much how to start a project with this proposal.

And Teacher's center (Almendralejo-Badajoz -Spain)

More promotion of the project, this time in Almendralejo, where Camilo has explained the project.

Twitter dissemination: 


Bronwyn Joyce mentor of the web  in Australia, promotes her participation as partner in the etwinning project.

Dissemination on the radio


The project has been exhibited in the eTwinning Conferece in Balearic Islands, May 2019:


El perdiódico Extremadura , newspaper promotion.

The students of Dasoupolis primary school (KB) went with their teacher Nick Shekkeris to OMEGA TV to present their project! They talked about the different activities and even sung in Spanish! Well done Emmanuel, Alex and Carolina!!!

More promotion!!!

Our national support service, already has the calendar and the comic book of the project.


© 2018-2019 eTwinning project

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